May 22, 2024

What is A Dark Kitchen: Exploring The Concept

The Genesis of Dark Kitchens

The emergence of dark kitchens, or takeaway dark kitchen models, is a direct response to the growing preference for food delivery over dining out. Catering exclusively to the delivery customer base, these setups fit perfectly into the fast-paced lifestyle of today's consumers, especially in larger UK cities.

In 2023, the UK’s food delivery industry was expected to grow by nearly 6% - making the industry worth approximately £11.2 billion. Dark Kitchens signify a pivotal shift in the restaurant industry, aligning with the demand for convenience without the operational costs associated with a traditional restaurant setting. This evolution reflects broader changes in consumer behaviour, with a shift towards digital ordering and home delivery.

The Mechanics of Dark Kitchens

Imagine a kitchen located in an area where rents are more affordable - a kitchen armed with the equipment and technology to manage orders from all over a city or a major catchment area. This describes the operational model of a dark kitchen. These kitchens operate out of sight from virtually any location, focusing entirely on preparing meals, and optimising every aspect of the cooking and delivery process. By removing the dine-in element, dark kitchens, or delivery-only kitchens, can concentrate on producing high-quality food efficiently and affordably.

The Benefits and Drawbacks

Opting to operate a dark kitchen comes with significant advantages, most notably in reducing overhead costs like high rent and expenses associated with maintaining a dine-in area. Such costs often stifel business growth and can usually deter budding food entrepreneurs from starting up a business. With an average of 7.4 million people using Deliveroo in the UK, this model provides incredible flexibility, for both you and your staff, while creating a unique opportunity for your businesses to access a more expansive customer market. However, the reliance on third-party delivery services, such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats, and a lack of customer face-to-face engagement can potentially impact the profit margins and business reputation for smaller businesses.

Additionally, Dark Kitchens provide the benefit of an improved, healthier work environment. Without dine-in options and an overstaffed setting, dark kitchens have the potential for reduced pressure and stress compared to conventional restaurant kitchens. By simplifying the focus to efficient food hygiene, preparation and delivery, employees encounter less overcrowded and chaotic environments, resulting in improved morale and job satisfaction. The reliance on a smaller, more compact staff dynamic in dark kitchens nurtures stronger interpersonal communication among staff, facilitating a collaborative and supportive atmosphere.

Dark Kitchens & the Future of Food Delivery

Dark kitchens, including aggregator-owned dark kitchens and outsourced dark kitchens, are poised to play a crucial role in the food delivery ecosystem. Their adaptability and emphasis on delivery optimisation align perfectly with the direction in which our dining habits are headed. With the culinary landscape relying heavily on dine-out eating, dark kitchens provide the adaptability necessary to  meet the demand of an ever-evolving food delivery market. This trend could encourage more culinary creativity and lead to a diversification of offerings, as restaurants are no longer constrained by the physical limitations of their kitchens.

Expanding the Concept

The potential for growth and innovation within the dark kitchen business model is vast. As technology continues to evolve, we might see even more sophisticated ways of managing online orders and racking food deliveries - The integration of AI to predict order volumes and optimise menu offerings based on real-time data is just one example and we may even see the concept of drone deliveries in the near future. 

Sustainability best-practices will become more of a focus for growing food businesses, with dark kitchens allowing for new ways to reduce food waste—one of the most pressing issues facing the culinary industry today. Furthermore, the adoption of eco-friendly packaging solutions and optimising delivery routes to reduce carbon emissions could significantly diminish the environmental impact of the food delivery industry. These initiatives would also cater towards the ever-growing consumer demand for environmentally responsible dining options.

Integrating Community & Culture

Beyond just serving as a food preparation hub, dark kitchens have the potential to foster community engagement and cultural exchange. By hosting virtual cooking classes or collaborating with local food influencers, dark kitchens can create a sense of community and camaraderie between industry professionals and customers. Moreover, Dark Kitchens provide a platform for chefs from diverse backgrounds to share their culinary traditions and expertise, enriching the local food scene with global flavours.


Dark kitchens represent a fundamental shift in food preparation and delivery. By embracing technology and innovation, these kitchens are setting the stage for a future where convenience, efficiency, and variety are at the forefront of the dining experience.

Oya Kitchens is a marketplace primarily for dark kitchens, production units, pop-ups, and pub residencies. From the initial viewing and booking to check-out, our platform takes care of the entire journey. We go beyond the basics, helping businesses manage payments and deposits, allowing you to focus on your core operations rather than getting bogged down by administrative complexities.

Our platform allows businesses to embrace a more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable approach to their kitchen space needs. For more information or to view our dark kitchens on our marketplace, click here.

Contact us directly:

+44 20 850 1301